Sunday, February 21, 2010

Ski Walkie Talkie Can You List Any Brand Names That Are Synonymous With Their Product?

Can you list any brand names that are synonymous With their product? - ski walkie talkie

Best answer goes to the list of the most. Feel free to repeat that I mentioned earlier, even though I know of.
1. Coca-Cola
2. Jet-Skiing
3. Q-Tip
4. Whirlpool
5. Walkie-Talkie
6. Top Ramen
7. Kotex
And I'm sure if a list of some I need.

1 comment:

Jane said...

1. Coca-Cola
2. Jet-Skiing
3. Q-Tip
4. Whirlpool
5. Walkie-talkies
6 Addidas
7 Xerox
8 Kleenex
9 Pampers
Tylenol 10
11 Google
12 Legos
13 Nike (?)
14 Vaseline
Band Aid 15
16 pallets
17 Postal-it
Thermo 18
19 iPod
20 drivers
Pen 21
22 empty
23 Stairs
Linoleum 24
Gramophone 25
26 Aspirin
27 II
BIC 28
Jell-O 29 (gelatine)
30 Kool-Aid
Tupperware 31
32 Kerosene
Volume 33
Jeep 34
Pilates 35
36 Thermos
37 Trampoline
38 Zipper
39 Bubble rap
40 Chapstick
Rimmel 41
42 Dumpster
43 Frisbee
44 Jumbo-Tron
Photoshop 45
46 from plexiglass
Polaroid 47
Po Food 48int
49 Super Hero
50 of Tabasco sauce
Taser 51
52 Walkman
53 Lycra
54 Washer
55 heroin
56 fiberglass

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